1.It has no standard way of signalling the start and end of a message.
2.At least some of the confusion is due to the fact that researchers rarely test these substances in any standard way.
3.There is no standard way to represent such a relationship in XML; you can only resort to a custom mechanism.
4.The standard way of minimising this decline in performance is a few days of acclimatisation.
5.Simply put, Web services allow computer applications to communicate with one another in a standard way.
6.The standard way to bridge a gap between the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and a particular domain is through the use of a UML Profile.
7.The standard way to handle this problem is to check first to see if logging is enabled before constructing expensive logging messages.
8.ACCEPT returns a normal file descriptor, which can be used for reading and writing in the standard way, the same as for files.
9.I point to UDDI as a standard way for addressing the need for a repository or broker that will manage a directory of service interfaces.
10.A successor to HTML, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is widely expected to become a standard way of exchanging data in a mixed environment.